In Memory of Fred Hodson
Manager of Pearey House
1976 – 2011
“Fred Hodson was an integral part of Tynemouth Blind Welfare Society for 35 years and guided it through many challenges and changes. He was the link between Pearey House’s past, present and future. He was a joiner in his younger days and one day, when he was driving he realised his eyesight was not as it should be. He was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa and retrained as a rehabilitation officer. Fred moved from Lincolnshire to North Shields and began work at Tynemouth Blind Welfare Society in 1976. In 2011 Fred retired and he passed away in April 2023.
Sadly, his illness meant that we were unable to record his story before he died. It would have been a wonderful recollection to have. We’d like to dedicate this to him as an acknowledgement of and appreciation for all the work he did for the society in his long career.”
Helen Farrow (current manager)
“Fred was a dream. When I started work there was only Fred, his assistant and a driver. Around this time Fred decided to serve a hot meal. My comment was, “Well who is going to cook!!” He just looked at me! I caught his drift and said, “I’m not a cook!!” – but I ended up as one. So, it started like that, whatever Fred needed I tried to assist.”
Marjorie Dalgarno (former staff member)
“Fred put me forward to a college for training for work with blind and partially sighted people in Leeds. I was very successful there and I became a qualified rehabilitation officer. I got a job in Gateshead which lasted 30 years. I was very, very grateful to both Fred and Mary McQueen. It’s an honour to have known them both. Pearey House started my young life and ended with my working career and I wouldn’t have known what to do without those two people. They certainly were the people who pushed me on and really made me the success I was at that time.”
Alan Rowley (service user and former Trustee and Chairman)