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Living at Pearey House – David’s Story

It’s a beautiful spot to sit in and you can hear the birds.


Photo of guide dog Albie, a golden LabradorI have lived in a flat before for about 10 years. I was moved downstairs because my guide dog at the time had problems with his back legs, so as soon as a ground floor flat became available Helen thought it might be best for me and Albie to move down, they are lovely flats.  My mam has just moved into the flats, in the same block as me upstairs because my dad passed away about 5 years ago and she has got Macular (Degeneration).

I have got Care Call, so I always wear my pendant around my neck in case I have any trouble.  I have got a cleaner comes in once a week on a Friday morning.

Monday it’s closed for admin, but on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we go over from 10:00 until 1:00 and on a Friday for the coffee morning 10:00 until about half 11.  We are there quite a lot.  In the summer months we are all sat outside.  There’s volunteers come in on usually a Tuesday.  It’s lovely, it’s quiet as well.

On the holidays we’re going to Cheshire this year.  We’re going at the end of March.  Last year we went to Lanarkshire, we’ve been all over the place, the Lakes, the Peak District, Wales.  I can’t wait for that, it’s 2 nights, 3 days Wednesday to Friday.

Weather permitting, we will hop on the minibus and go down to the coast for ice cream and a cup of tea.

I am just trying to remember what happened with the shopping and covid, you had a table outside your flat, so they just dropped it off there.  Everybody could get out and sit in the garden as long as we were spaced out, it was 2 metres.  We weren’t allowed anybody in the flats of course to mix with people.

Occasionally you would have a do like at night-time where we would all get together and they’re good.  A while back we had a 70s-night where you could get dressed up if you wanted in 70s gear and we had a karaoke night, that was good.

They are all lovely people here.  All the staff and volunteers here are all dead friendly and patient.


David was interviewed as part of the Pearey House 150th Anniversary Project.

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