This photograph shows the Tynemouth Police First Aid team of 1956 in the Muster Rooms after winning a trophy in 1956.
This photograph shows the Tynemouth Police First Aid team of 1956 in the Muster Rooms after winning a trophy in 1956.
We have no details of the three trophies but the one on the right has been photographed with the Tynemouth Police Ambulance Corps of 1933. The Corps was founded in 1888 and it came to be expected that each officer would pass an ambulance exam before finishing his probation.
From the later picture it is possible to assume that the tradition has continued into the 1950s. Pictured are:
Back row L to R: Brian Strong, John Jeffries, Bill Simpson, Dudley Blades
Front row: Jack Paterson, Maurice Tennick, Chief Constable Scott, Eddie Leftwich, John Richardson