The coal trucks ran from Percy Main, Along and down to the Commissioners Quay, Bashing and crashing, jumping to and fro, It was a fun ride for more than just me
The coal trucks ran from Percy Main
Along and down to the Commissioners Quay
Bashing and crashing, jumping to and fro
It was a fun ride for more than just me
When the railway men would see us
They would shout and yell and bawl
But we never took much notice of them
For we still rode the trucks one and all
We would all ways ride the trucks
Just dodging the wheels as they turned
I guess it was all part of the fun
As the excitement is what we all yearned
One day we got caught riding
But it was only one lad and me
As they marched us down to the cabin
A clout round the ear it is sure to be
We sat in the shed corner
When one of the river police walked in the door
I do not mind telling anyone
I started to shake nearly falling on the floor
He very calmly told us about yesterday
One lad fell on the rail track
But the sad part of the story was
Now one of his legs he did lack
Soon the coal trucks would go
Which was a blessing in disguise
For the pep talk we had got earlier
Still made us none the wise
That is another piece of childhood history
Taken from down on the Tyne’s shore
The tracks and everything are dug up
So, the coal staithes are definitely no more