..the water was always freezing, it was never warm!
We used to get a penny dip. Well, a penny dip was just a bun dipped in gravy. If you had tuppence you got pease pudding and stuffing on top. If you had thruppence I think you’d go slice of pork and pease pudding and stuffing. Because we used to go to the Baths, High Street Baths. It was packed in there, in the Baths. There was lockers all the way around the Baths. When the lockers were full you had to go in the balcony. There was boys’ pool and girls’ pool. The water was always freezing, it was never warm. And the Baths attendants, they just used to walk around in their wellies all day. They shouted, Out! And if you didn’t get out, they’d go into your locker, they’d get your towel and hang it over your door and you knew it was time to get out and if you didn’t, they’d get your towel and they’d dip it in the water. Who’s is this towel? Oh, right. You had to look to see if it was your towel getting dipped in.
This memory is part of the Bishopwearmouth Townscape Heritage Scheme Collection