No matter how clean your hair was, the dragon had magic fingers and eyes like a hawk, because she always found some stragglers
The good old nit nurse was a pretty regular visitor to schools in these times, and I do not mind admitting she was a first class dragon with a heart of lead. If she was coming on the Monday, Sunday night was combing night. Out came the ‘dicky rake’ as we called it, and you combed and combed your head for ages. The rake was a metal comb with very narrow spaced teeth, so it dug through all your hair. In front of you, you had an old newspaper so when the dickies dropped out you could squash them with a fingernail.
Times you had some monsters and they made a real loud cracking noise when they were squashed. That’s it all done you thought ‘til Monday when you were lined up for inspection and marched in one at a time. No matter how clean your hair was, the dragon had magic fingers and eyes like a hawk, because she always found some stragglers. That was it, out you came with your bottle of yellow coloured potion and everyone had a good laugh at your expense. You never took this to heart because others always followed. Mind, give credit where it is due, once you washed your hair with this stuff it sparkled and was nit free for a day or two.
After a couple of days, we were all lousy with nits again because kids just passed them on to each other when fun fighting and that, so you were never clean and free long. You could tell when they were back for everyone was scratching their heads like mad.