When it came to job satisfaction you were spoilt for choice!
If today’s younger generation had a crystal ball, they would be totally amazed
at just how busy the river Tyne used to be back in the 1950s plus. The river itself was jumping with the likes of shipbuilding yards, ship repair yards, various other engineering yards which all needed supplying with goods one way or another. In those days, we also had the coal pits and steel works going at full speed. In spite of all this, I guess no one could have forecast just how much the river would change in a few short years. When it came to job satisfaction you were spoilt for choice for you could be anything from labourer to a time served engineer or even work your way up to ship’s captain. One time the river could boast of having at least six large shipbuilding yards and two small boat building yards. On top of this we had at least eight ship repair companies with twenty-nine dry-docks between them. All this added up to thousands and thousands of jobs. Today, well that is another story.
Who Did The Tyne Build For
Anchor Shipping Line Co,
Atlantic Steam Navigation Co,
Alfred Holt Line Ltd,
Athel Line Co,
Anglo Saxon Shell Co
British Tanker Co,
Bank Line Shipping Co,
Ben Line Steamers Ltd,
Bibby Line Shipping Co,
Bowater Steam Ship Co,
Brocklebank Shipping Co,
Burmah Oil Co,
Boyd Line Ltd (fishing boats),
British India Steam Navigation Co,
British Rail Ltd,
Blue Funnel Line Ltd
Common Brothers Ltd,
Cunard Shipping Co,
Canadian Steam Navigation Co,
Clan Line Steamers Ltd,
Comben Longstaff Ltd
Denholm Shipping Co
Eagle Oil Co,
Ellerman City Lines Ltd,
Esso Petroleum Co,
F.T. Everard + Sons Ltd
France Fenwick + Co,
Furness Whithy + Co
T + J Harrison Shipping Co,
Houlder Brothers Shipping Ltd
Indo China Steam Navigation Co
Jensens Shipping Co,
J Marr + Sons Ltd (fishing boats)
London + Rochester Trading Co,
Lowland Tanker Co
Ministry Of Defence,
Monroe Brothers Shipping Co
Niarchos Group Shipping Co,
Nigerian National Lines Co
Overseas Tankships Ltd
Palm Line Shipping Ltd,
Prince Line Shipping Co,
Port Line Ltd,
P + O Steam Navigation Co
Reardon Smith Line Ltd,
Regent Petroleum Tankships Ltd
Stephenson Clarke Shipping Co,
Silver Line Shipping Ltd,
Shaw Savill Albion Ltd,
Strick Line Shipping Ltd,
Stag Line Shipping Co,
Shell Tankers Ltd
Tower Shipping Co,
Texaco Petroleum Oil Co
Union Castle Shipping Line Ltd