Hoy your rusty coppers oot.
When there was a wedding at one of the churches in Percy Main, all the lads would wait for the bride and groom to come out of the church, then we would shout
“Hoy oot! Hoy oot!
Hoy your rusty coppers oot!”
We were nearly always rewarded with handfuls of coppers thrown from the cars by the groom and guests, then it was one mad scramble to pick up as many as you could. We would then go to one of the fruit shops, Keel’s, Hardy’s or Mary High’s and get a few pennyworth of bruised fruit and, if it was fine, we would go down to the cricket field and watch Percy Main play. We were let in for nothing. If it was cold or wet, we bought some sweets and went home or went to watch Percy Main Amateurs play.