I used to hold concerts and buy wool for people to knit for the forces.
I used to hold concerts and buy wool for people to knit for the forces (balaclavas and gloves) to give them in parcels. That was 1940 (see photo)…
I was just fourteen.
What happened was, the woman I worked for, she had gone to a meeting, and she had been telling them about nursery schools and what they did, and of course she was telling them about me. There was reporters and photographers there, and they had asked her where I lived, so they came down, but I wasn’t in. My dad had an accident and he was in hospital and my mother had taken me down to see him. So, they went to the woman next door, she made out that she’d done it all and she’d put down that her daughter was the star of the show, when I’d been the organiser!