Kath writes:
It’s a happy/sad feeling to round off a project and this month it’ll be the turn of our shipyard memories project which we’re in the process of wrapping up. Ordinarily we’d all get together here at our base to discuss how things have gone, to review and evaluate. It’s a chance for all the memory collectors, transcribers, sound editors and archivists to be in the same room together, sharing experiences. However, as we all know, this sort of event is out of the question at present so we’ll be doing it remotely. The teamwork that has gone into delivering this project has been amazing, everyone has worked so hard. You’ll be able to read and listen to the stories we’ve collected shortly after Christmas, when all the checking is complete.
Here’s a taster image provided by long time friend of Remembering the Past, Ted Davey. It shows molten iron being poured in one of North Eastern Marine’s massive sheds on the Tyne at Wallsend. Interesting to see the masks the men are wearing.