The tyrant called progress won again!
The ice factory is like a corner shop
As the fishing boats pull alongside
Their crews climb upon the quay
To tell of the last trips bumpy ride
Lads working on the ice making
Some work on the boats deck
Ice flowing all over the place
But that is life so what the heck
The old factory is on borrowed time
The trawlers are leaving the quay
The fish are getting less and less
So what is to be must be
A smart new ice factory is here
But the place is not the same
The old one is to be pulled down
Many say that is a crying shame
No more juicy fishing boat stories
The old factory has had to fail
If you want any more fishy stories
They will have to come via royal mail
The ice lorries and factory now gone
Only memories stand on the spot
That tyrant called progress won again
This is another piece of Tyne history he has got