I don't know where the fireplace is
Another thing that I became involved with was Mrs Laws’ dancing class in the Albion Assembly Rooms. She came into the shop one day and said that her daughter, Poppy, who usually played for the classes was ill. Would I be able to come along and fill in for her? So I did and I became involved in choreography too.
In about 1946 when my daughter Carol was in Brownies I started playing and producing shows for them at the Memorial Methodist Church on Albion Road and continued with the guides there. Then, in 1959, when Carol was a Guide Leader her guides needed new camping equipment, she asked me if I had any ideas for raising money.
I suggested a show and we worked out a programme of things the guides could do. After this, we put on a show for many years, first in Northumberland Street Mission, (known as Ernie Rose’s mission) and then in the ‘Square Press’ hall (St Columba’s in Northumberland Square, North Shields). Rehearsals used to take place in my house. I remember one little girl looking totally bewildered when we were about to perform in a church hall. I asked her what was wrong and she said, ‘I don’t know where the fireplace is’. So, I told her to think of the audience as the fireplace and she was alright after that.