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Forest Hall, Social Functions

The floor and windows would all move in time to the music.

Whist drives and dances were usual for mature people.  They would usually be held for a charity, a school, a church, scouts, guides etc, NSPCC, lifeboats.  There was often a homemade supper provided by the organisers.

Whist drives were very popular.  Some were held in St Bartholomew’s old church hall.  Dancing was great fun!  Some kind of powder was spread on the floor, possibly soap or talc to make it more slippy, and the floor and windows would all move in time to the music.  The noise was terrific!

Quickstep, Foxtrot, Rumba, Tango, Dashing White Sergeant were all popular.  Proper ballroom dances were held in the Embassy, some requiring evening dress to be worn.

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