There would be clouds of dust coming off and God only knows what else, probably fleas, bugs, etc.
We were racing around the other day, when we got collared by one of the neighbours beating her carpet. It was quite normal to see one or two with their carpets spread over a washing line in the back lane giving it a beating. The only thing was if you were around at the wrong time you were promoted to carpet beater. The beater itself was just the shape of a large club as on a pack of playing cards.
To make it easier, you would just imagine her face on the carpet and bray like mad. There would be clouds of dust coming off and God only knows what else, probably fleas, bugs, etc. Now when you thought you had done a great job, out she would come and give a couple of swipes and tell you to do the job right or get a clout along the ear. I suppose it was just another way of keeping us out of trouble. Happy days in one way I suppose because it kept you fit as well.